Breakneck Slaughter

Welcome to our rundown of Breakneck Slaughter. Make sure to catch our podcast coverage of all things Deathgorge too! For everything out with this release window, follow these links:

What the Hex!? - Episode 116 - Deathgorgeous

Cyreni's Razors

Thricefold Discord

Force of Frost

Thanks go to GW for providing a review copy to make this content possible.



D: Do you feel the need? The need for speed? …and uh… I’m losing the thread here. What I’m saying is this is an aggro deck you can take home to meet Khorne and not be embarrassed. How much positioning you’re willing to give up will dictate how much you are willing to dip into the Impetus mechanic. Give that one a good read before you start!

P: Very weird plot here. Bonus move is nice but the forced push from your opponent feels like it should wreck havoc on your game plan.

B: I want this to feel like you’re skating past your opponent's fighter after smacking them with your hockey stick. But opponent controls it and the momentum token is discarded each time? 🤔. I suppose only one fighter (per warband in a mirror match) is getting this push per reaction window. Guess we'll see how momentum is granted.

P: It's every fighter with a counter gets pushed. Which maybe gets crazy?

B: Better than having to track a bunch of counters. Will feel a bit like a pool table maybe lol. Potentially very disruptive.

B: Now that I've read the whole deck... y'all remember the "speed package" from Beastgrave/Direchasm, it's that plus counter play in the form of a soapy ice rink. Mirror matches will be a blast!

P: Just realizing that when you can give momentum to opposing fighters you could always just turn it into stagger by pushing them into your adjacent fighters. Not entirely sure of the application of that but seems relevant.




B: An easier Strong Start (which needed a kill), but Strong Start was really only used reliable by Mollog. Probably consider for really defensively statted warbands like Wraithcreepers.

P: Yeah, not much difference with Strong Start and Strong Start wasn't that great. I can see this in Nemesis if you don't have a better option.


P: Only needing to succeed an attack is cool... but stacking three momentum counters is less cool. This takes a good amount of setup. Without scything I'd feel very nervous about wiffing the attack and making this a dead surge.


B: An easy score for any aggressive 4 or less fighter warbands, and a backup "Focal Point" condition. Eager to see if this plot locked deck rivals Tooth and Claw.

B: Aggro always needs reliable glory sources other than kills. Love the flavor text here for Phil and Davy, lol.

P: This is so simple for aggro warbands. Even just a single fighter charging can score this in the end of a game when this kind of card would historically have a minimum fighter restriction. Good thing it is behind a plot card.


B: Since this is a plot locked deck, you telegraph this card as a possibility from the very beginning. Denial isn't commonly picked and neither will this.

P: Yup, there is a lot that can go wrong on the way to scoring this one. I feel like this could have been four glory and still been pretty rough.


B: Easy include as long as your warband has the threat range to reach a passive opponent (sorry Chosen Axes). Nuts if you have fighters with scything or combo attacks. Very solid.

P: Not needing to hit the attacks makes this so reliable. Love it.


B: Basically another Move Or Die. Glad they’re plot locked. Reliable, but only 1 glory.

P: Great for Nemesis, may not be enough glory for Champs. Very reliable though.


B: Kill surge on a target that's already activated (or some other token assignment), not bad aside from dice dependency.

P: Kind of forces you into inefficient kills since you would rather take out yet-to-be-activated fighters, but as kill surges go I don't hate this.


B: Card combo (or mirror match) reliant on the first condition, and the second condition seems even less likely to have a character completely surrounded. Pass, unless there's a ton of ways to give Momentum in the power cards you're bringing.

P: I think you can make this happen for Nemesis but it will be card draw dependent which is risky. Overall though if you are reaching for this deck in Nemesis I think you grab this.


B: Seems reasonable for an aggro deck, amazing against swarms. A real challenge against elite, especially late game.

P: I think in Nemesis the "x fighters out" end phases are pretty reliable. This one is a touch harder late and a touch easier early and I like that flexibility. Overall more two plus glory end phases for aggro is going to be beneficial to the archetype and people will probably experiment with this.


B: Seems problematic if Impetus will have you slipping around and this card means your opponent has even less incentive to leave you adjacent to their fighters. Reminds me of Dread Pageant's Excess of Carnality.

P: Definitely, this feels tough to set up but for two glory it may be worth it. Need to see this one on the field I think.


B: Unreliable and warband dependent for only one glory. Auto score for Exiled Dead.

P: If you play a large enough warband or a warband that gets extra move counters this becomes quite simple. Otherwise it is risky. Agree that Exiled Dead, Sepulchral Guard, or even Hexbane’s Hunters probably like this one.


B: Requires enough Momentum granting power cards in hand. Great in Rivals, likely Nemesis, but far less likely in Championship.

P: Yup, very power card dependent which makes this a tough sell.




B: Effectively +3 move. Yeesh how long have Chosen Axes wished to charge 5 (with one card). I prefer pushes, but cool to launch an unseen attack from the backfield.

S: Hi Wathlab!

P: Spectral Wings used to see a lot of play and this is a pretty close facsimile. I think plenty of elite aggro bands will love having this back in their toolbox.


B: ... Won't Stop!

B: So I believe this occurs in the same window as Impetus, therefore you get to spend that Momentum instead of your opponent. Excellent. Can picture a cinematic samurai moment caused by this card.

P: Taking control of the momentum push is interesting but I'm not completely sure it is very good. Pushes are often best for getting into position while this will likely just negate a really bad position from your opponent. Hard to know how often that is worth holding up in your hand without playing it.


B: Oh dear God keep this card away from beast Kheira! "Attack Actions" plural. Add Mollog and Kainan. Excellent in Nemesis. One time use might not see as much play in Championship.

P: Man, plus move and damage is a very scary prospect on a lot of aggro fighters. Totally agree the scything potential makes this terrifying. The downside of being pushed seems reasonable for this kind of payoff.


B: Bit niche, but can't complain too much about flexible mobility. Additional momentum fuel for some objective cards at least.

P: Flying may also be more useful in this season now that blocked hex tokens will be able to be placed. Assassination runs look a lot more doable with this card too. Should be interesting at the very least.


D: After the attack roll, before the defense roll. A pretty great window!

B: Excellent. I get the feeling I'm going to to love playing against this deck as much as I'm intrigued to play it. (Already day-dreaming "Breakneck Ballet")

P: So good, getting to see the roll before you play this is amazing.


B: Accuracy is nice, and especially effective if you have scything. Again, enemy will push you two so be mindful.

P: Similar to devastating charge, the juice here is worth the squeeze. Bonus movement and accuracy can make for some very scary charges.


P: Damage reduction is always good but because it is telegraphed your opponent will at least have the opportunity to play around this. The extra push after is also a bit rough but I think the effect is again more powerful than the downsides.


B: A card just to negate the negative of this plot. I think if you're running this deck you really have to abandon caring about positioning (objectives/territory) so I feel this card is not embracing what this deck is about.

P: Yeah, don't understand this card being here. Not worth a power slot in my opinion.


B: So disappointed it's only one Momentum token transferred. Would've much rather transfer all the momentum through the attack to baseball homerun the target like Team Rocket. Much more fun as a crazy card combo. Again this isn't embracing the deck by denying the chaotic push, trading it for a more flexible drive back, big whoop.

P: Yeah this is weird because the window is after drive back so unless you charge adjacent to multiple fighters you don't really have a need for this.

S: On the other hand, it can be an absolute guarantee you are forcing someone off an objective! No dice, no guard-based or voidcursed considerations. Just send!


B: Fun, now everyone's slipping! Most useful round 1 against a Hold Objective warband before they get into position on objectives, but they only restricts them to safely take move activations. Easiest way to score Out of Control if you're trying.

P: This feels more of a chaos card than a real plan. Lots of momentum should get applied with it but what you will do that that is a little hard to say, fighters will be bouncing all over.

D: This is one to take if you're leaning into the Impetus mitigation cards- you'll have them... and your opponent won't.




B: This is so much easier explained than See Ya! Love the disruption this brings, and +1 move is nice.

P: Kind of a weird form of knockback essentially. This should be decently disruptive for your opponents.


B: This fighter be booking it, but also the opponent gets to respond in kind. I'm often happy with 4 move fighters, so I don't get to excited by extra move. Still think this speed deck will do a lot of good for slow warbands.

P: I think plus move is underrated in the amount of options it opens up. Getting plus two is a really big deal.


B: *double takes* Range 4, two damage!? So they've given everyone the chance to be turret Ephilim. That's bold. Even better with how many sources of momentum there has been. New age Cursed Boarding Pike has range 4!

D: Since Momentum clears via Impetus every time, this is a great attack action, but *only* as part of a card combo of some kind.

P: Very strange card. I love this for fighters that have easy access to extra support so you don't have to completely rely on having momentum counters. With the counters though this is very strong.


B: Solid spear weapon with a fun extra "knockback"

P: Never going to be unhappy about a standard spear upgrade.


B: Not sure this is worth it as most times it's just giving one target stagger. Still fun card combo fuel.

P: I think there should be ways to make having stagger pretty solid. The momentum counters are rough though unless you are really leaning into the objectives that care about fighters having them.


B: Love it. 2 Block defence profile is solid and being able to give that out, incredible. Fun counter play as you'll sweat at each round rolloff to get first activation to turn this back online.

P: I'll never say no to boosting to two block.


B: Effectively +2 move to charge. Not sure this is worth it. Still fun card combo fuel.

P: Again, plus two move has been very powerful in the past so I see this as an above average upgrade for aggro bands.


B: Fun. You can teleport flank, but your opponent has the option to embrace it and counter attack first, or push you two away and try to run lol. Great counter play choices in this deck. Still yet to be determined if all these Impetus choices will ultimately mean it's more harm than good for the player who brings Breakneck Slaughter.

P: Fighters with reach become pretty scary with this. With it being an action though it may not be efficient enough. This kind of effect is best as a surprise and this will never be that. The enemy push also means you can never use this to guarantee positioning besides being in enemy territory, which isn't nothing but not super strong either. Should be fun to test this one.


B: Similar to Moving Mark, I might like this even more. Love it.

D: This one doesn't give you momentum either.

P: Wow, two dodge and can't be staggered. That is pretty nice.


B: Hate that it's one time use while requiring card combos to gain Momentum for it's effect. Innate attack results are seriously strong tho. Paired with some of the Momentum granting upgrades this is doable. I want to try it out.

P: Definitely agree that this setup is really hard and realistically this will be a one time innate successes for one attack. That may just not be good enough.



There you have it! There are a bunch of rock solid options that are welcome in most aggro decks: Gale Force, Need for Speed, Rapid Strike, & Eager for the Fight. Gambits that provide speed with your accuracy or damage (Reckless or Devastating Charge respectively). Some nice defensive bumps are available in gambits (Quick Juke?) or upgrades (Moving Mark and Tumbler).

If you’re a warband that wouldn’t mind speed help with your aggro meal, you’ll find something to work with in this deck. We found some nice pairings with Magore’s Fiends and Thricefold Discord, but any of the melee Stormcast warbands would be happy for assistance with that three move.

In Nemesis, you’re more likely to be forced to interact with the Impetus card, and if you lean in, several of the objectives that deal with it are legitimately scoreable. The idea of handing off momentum has allure, but be aware that upgrades like Battering Ram and Inertial Lance are going to require you to do damage to transfer momentum, which may make the point moot.

In Champs, if you can afford the plot card that this deck brings, then you unlock a number of very powerful options for aggression that could have you reach for this over something like Tooth and Claw which has a lot of things limited to Range 1 (as well as a number of Restricted cards, courtesy of the FAR list at the time of this post’s publishing.)

Got a cool build with this one? Let us know about it!

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