Zondara's Gravebreakers

Welcome to our rundown of Zondara’s Gravebreakers! We’ll be celebrating this giant release of new Underworlds content with a whole week of content! That’s right, you’ll be getting a podcast episode every day for six days until we’ve covered it all! And to kick it all off, below are links to each of our card-by-card rundowns for your perusing pleasure.

Thanks go to GW for providing a review copy to make this content possible.


[D]avy, [P]HIL, [B]RIAN, & [S]kyler

P: A tale as old as time... A witch and a man cursed to be a beast use necromancy to prove that love can conquer all... Zondara's quest will bring with it might, magic, and a bit of grave robbing! Let's see what they have in store.

B: I really love the narrative sown throughout this deck.

B: Keep her safe early!! until she inspires to two block, be very limited with her engagements. I may be wrong, but I believe she could use her reaction to heal herself.

P: A pretty mediocre stat line for a leader so I agree, keep her out of trouble to start. Her spell reaction is the redeeming feature and I think having a 75% chance to heal a friend, which includes her, within three hexes will make herself and ferlain survive a bit longer than expected. As far as inspiration goes, this one is pretty easy if you can get some glory, which shouldn't be too tricky.

B: Gains defense and accuracy. Can't complain I think. I do think it is important to inspire her asap, so strong surges for seed glory will be important.

P: I think you are mostly chasing her defense here and there are other ways to achieve the same outcome. I feel like loading up Ferlain is already part of the gameplan so I think this inspire is more incidental than anything.

B: Good movement and a solid attack profile spiking to three damage fairly reliably. Both Zondara and Ferlain have Tragedy, so if you are running those objectives, be very careful not to lose both fighters or you cant cycle those dead objectives anymore.

P: What he lost in looks he seems to have made up for in strength! A beast in every sense of the word. I have to imagine Ferlain will be everyone's top priority to bring down. Tragedy is a really fun mechanic to allow for more forgiveness in bringing thematic objectives. The overall design space feels very well thought out. As to his inspire, it will almost certainly happen eventually if you can keep zondara alive.

B: 5 move with 3 damage, thats a Fur-missile. Two dodge on both sides is great too. Don't risk him too early as everyone will want to prevent his inspired side coming online to do work.

P: I think the biggest draw here is the full 3 DMG, this guy is a menace once you flip him over.

B: Quite a sad attack profile, but I believe each of these zombies is simply a utility piece. Each zombie can Gravebreak, followed by either Unearth(select upgrade from your deck) or Exhume(respawn inspired). I think that is all these zombies are meant to be doing, mindlessly toiling away for Zondara's goals. As I see it your zombies are picking out your favorite upgrades to tool up the love birds as the zombies are slain on the front line as your opponent advances on Zondara. *chef's kiss* on the narrative implementation.

P: I'm not positive the zombies go on the front line with these stats, but I agree their job does not seem to be fighting. Gravebreak provides so much utility. Assuming you are charging once each with Ferlain and zondara, which isn't exactly a given, we are looking at two zombies working on the chain gang each round drawing all the faction upgrades straight out of your deck. This might be the most power card efficient warband we have seen.

B: Extra health(a feature for each of the zombies) and an extra accuracy, so as they toil away they get better at it(staying alive and successful attacks are a bonus). I think Pikk is the middle favorite of the zombies with two damage attack.

P: I'll make this attack only out of desperation! I think even if I'm bringing these boys back it's just to keep on digging.

B: Again PROTECT ZONDARA EARLY!! She's necessary to resurrect via Exhume. Another sad attack profile, but boy he holds that hammer proudly. Good for him.

P: He's a love not a fighter, unlike Ferlain who is evidently both.

B: Successful attacks are a bonus and he gets the most accurate of them. Range one means he's less likely to use it as he can't charge and Gravebreak too. He's my most sacrificial of the zombies and the least likely I'd bother to Exhume.

B: Range two is big here and Toyle is my favorite for turret attacks at range two as he toils away Gravebreaking. Push tech back onto objectives(which this deck has) will make all the zombies more effective by making attacks rather than moves onto those objectives.

P: These boys took working the graveyard shift literally!

B: The added damage makes Toyle my favorite to Exhume.

P: Apparently shoveling six feet of dirt will put some muscles on ya




B: Already what you want to do, and it's cycle-able with Tragedy. Seems like an easy include.

P: I love when surges follow your natural game plan, and this one doesn't even need dice.


B: Starting at wizard level 2 with a spell reaction after she activates. In the deck she has 3 spell cards, and a ranged spell attack upgrade. If you're Nemesis pairing has magic too I think this is a great inclusion. Additionally it's cycle-able.

P: I agree you can run this but I think you only take it if you really lean into spells. Her reaction is pretty limited early because no one will be wounded and putting her adjacent enemies is crazy risky.


B: Love story incentivized in glory. Really like the stretch goal mechanics and think this is something you'll be wanting to aim for anyway.

P: So nice to keep seeing these flexible end phase cards. Draw this early? It helps seed your upgrades. Draw it late and things went to plan? Hit paydirt. All else fails you can get it out of hand quickly. Beautiful design.


B: Minimally this is two moves onto objectives to resurrect or pick-out a specific upgrade. Great early to then girl itself as it provides seed glory to utilize one of those picked up upgrades. Worst case scenario this comes up when all 3 minions have been slain as it's not Tragedy cycle-able.

B: I think this is an American Express card, never leave home without it.

P: I think this will be pretty hard to stop so agree, auto include


B: For a single glory I do think this is reliable. Ferlain has good movement especially if inspired. Just be mindful with his charges. Again they do a great job implementing the lore here.

P: Definitely reliable, will be interesting to see if it can make the cut or if you need more higher glory end phases.


B: Very opponent dependent and thus very unreliable. Not a fan. Very good against Domitan though lol.

P: Yeah weird card. Kinda forces you into needing the zombies to die. If there is a more aggro build for these guys maybe this can see play but it feels like an early cut to me.


B: Oh my God these guys may pair incredibly well with Daring Delvers... And actually care about the Exploration mechanic. Force of Frost could also help here. DONT FORGET TO PLUNDER. I don't think this is really easy in Rivals match though.

P: The fact this requires three DIFFERENT features to be placed is key. Still seems plenty achievable and only gets easier if you have power cards to help. Love this plan. Playing the game on a completely different axis really shakes things up.


B: Charge with both Zondara and Ferlain. A reliable end phase or Tragedy cycle-able, but do not run this with Dreamers' Respite.

P: This one doesn't name Zondara or Ferlain so it can't be cycled with Tragedy. But, it can score from a single charge if just one of them is out of action. For one glory I think most of the time id skip this. There may be some shenanigans with handing out charge tokens without charging that could unlock this but it's not something you really want to do, or have access to, in nemesis.


B: Again loving the design and lore commingling. Note Zondara can't score this via her Stolen Knowledge spell reaction. Best scenario I see is Ferlain charges into a charged fighter to wound them(remember Grievous is optional), Zondara comes next to finish the job and possibly heal a friendly fighter for an extra cherry on top. I don't think I like the scenario the other way.

P: I'd rather take a push or other power card to set this up rather than two charges, but I again love the flexibility. Please more of this kind of design space.


B: Kill surge that can score off her Stolen Knowledge ping reaction, seems pretty good.

P: I don't love having zondara in the fray early so I'm not super keen on this but you could certainly do worse for a kill surge.


B: Does this simply mean move/charge/guard/Stagger? I think this is deceptively easy, but not actually worth the action economy for only 1 glory.

P: There are a number of power card options that could unlock this. I think this is a very simple one glory and I'd be pretty interested in it a lot of the time. Gets easier if you lose some minions too.


B: Simple to score round 1 activation 1 of you place your objective just across no-man's-land.

P: A very easy score but I think it puts you out of position. That may be fine, but I'm not sure you want to score one to give up one.




B: I think this is an excellent card in round one. Especially paired with Force of Frost for the casting surges. Can also be done with Plunder. The chain of events means that you can't use this to equip a card you just Unearthed: Minion activates, Gravebreak to place the objective (React: Atavistic Creativity to equip an upgrade in hand) Unearth happens to draw an upgrade.

P: I kind of like this but I'm not sure you need a way to cheat out upgrades outside of the first half of round one. I'd also be curious if the reaction can interrupt the gravebreak reaction since unearth is not a separate reaction but a continuation of gravebreak. I can't actually think of another ability quite like it so I'm not sure how this should work from a timing standpoint.


B: This occurs before the opponent declares the target of the attack. At a minimum this gives a defensive support (fantastic while she is inspired) and repositioning, potentially your opponent chooses the new target instead of Zondara.

P: A bit like counter charge. I think this is solid for that defensive support.


B: This is great. So many of these cards are restricted to Ferlain so he too needs to be protected early game.

P: Yeah strong effect but limited. Really need to protect these two.


B: Insta-resurrect, fantastic. On or near a objective, incredible. Inspired, surely it cant get better? The choice of move(inconsequential early game as he can keep toiling at Gravebreak) or late game give him a charge token to help with charged out rule. Just amazing card. Never leave home without it.

P: I'm not so sure you need this. Reviving the zombies is already pretty easy. You only benefit by saving the activation but I wonder if there wouldn't be more potent power cards?

D: A good insurance policy to sometimes keep that last zombo alive, though.


B: Amazing. Push or a heal. Great. Take it always.

P: Sidestep plus is solid gold.


B: In faction determined effort, an okay gambit option. +Cleave if Zondara is remotely in danger of being touched, nice. Solid options here and narratively fun.

P: The cleave pushes this to being amazing given the suite of upgrades we have right now that make fighters defend on block.


B: Yup, auto included for me. Could use this to get each zombie back onto the feature tokens to continue grave breaking with free swing attacks.


B: Some good redeploy/positioning tech. Kill a fighter on an objective and immediately retake it. Would like to run this and see how I like it.

B: Vexmor looking really High-Defintion here, *shudders*.

P: I think I prefer this as another counter charge variant but both modes feel useful.


B: Really nice art on this card, really all the cards but I love the spells here.

B: s a level two wizard on focus you're likely only adding one success here, but there is always the chance to spike to Grievous 2... Now I'm NOT recommending this course of action as good or wise...but bring the +1Wizard level upgrade, lucky roll for three successes, selecting Inspired Ferlain... Move 8, 3 Swords, 3 Damage, Grievous 3 for a spike potential of 6 damage... Kinda fun.

P: How much do you like to gamble with dark magic?


B: Not sure if this makes the cut, but it's tempting. by making it double supports as successes, and supported attack becomes really accurate. The zombies are rolling so few dice that it really is only great on Ferlain, good on Zondara. Easy to cast too. Tempting.

P: If you can make a more aggressive build this feels great. The fact it is the rest of the round is also big plus.




B: Auto Include for me. Useless on Ferlain though. Putting this on Zondara early will help protect her prior to inspire, while helping Ferlain inspire. Most likely going on a minion though.

P: Bonus defense is always good, this seems like it will be a staple card for these guys.

P: Obligatory fun Voidcursed interaction comment for Davy. Probably not actually worth it but a way to end up with Ferlain on two block


B: Not hot on buffing up Zondara for melee.

P: No range restriction is interesting... There are some weapons that get pretty tasty with cleave and grevious.


B: Yup love this design and theme lol. Best on Ferlain, but nice on Zondara too.

B: On second thought, this does nothing if they're both alive, so this is a build you're actually looking to sacrifice/lose one. Not how I'm currently imagining my deck to work.

P: I see this as a panic button. Flavorful but maybe not amazing. Although, getting to have Ferlain go berserk is pretty scary.


B: Always nice to have an in faction Great Fortitude. Good idea breaking it so that the minions can't abuse it. Best placed on a resurrected/inspired minion.

P: I could see an argument for putting it on Ferlain if you are being a bit more reckless with him. Might let him survive one extra hit.


B: Not worth the risk in my opinion.

P: Only in the builds that go magic heavy I would think... Although because she could react to heal backlash it might be okay? Definitely a build around and not something you just toss out on a whim.


B: Zondara's Stolen Knowledge can help mitigate this but thats a dangerous game. You could put this on Zondara herself, attack then cast attempting to heal herself. But failing the heal cast feels like a really bad gambit.

B: Okay on a minion, but I don't love self damage. The self damage is happening regardless of if your attack succeeds. Would have to be really desperate to place this on either Zondara or Ferlain.

P: Putting Ferlain up to three or four damage is pretty appealing, but yes there is a good amount of risk here. I feel like the zombies are too inaccurate to really benefit.


B: Hot! Especially since the minions don't have impressive attacks. Fun! Restricted to Minions so no bone for Ferlain.

P: Hello Gristlewel...


B: Giving her a spell action is great for those casting objectives. Range 4 is great for keeping her safe too.

P: Plenty of utility with this, could make a pretty mean spell Voltron too once she has a couple upgrades stacked.


B: Interesting. Gives you a lot of action economy for moving OR attacking in tandem. Not sure it's worth taking because if Zondara is dead, it only makes Ferlain not a beast, which is very limited in it's usefulness. But there is a strategy here that really emphasizes protecting these two until they are tooled up as you want via Unearthed upgrades... hmmm

P: I think this is amazing, especially with the push and redeploy tech in the deck. Opponents power step push Ferlain into position, on your activation get to swing with him after doing whatever you need with Zondara. I don't think I leave this one out very often.


B: Tooled up power couple. Love that first sentence as it means you can surprise your opponent with the heal and reposition. Best case scenario it's only working 3 times, placed Round 1 and used twice. Hold on, if one or neither of them are injured, then you cant do the heal at all, and thus the push?

P: I had the same question, do you need to be able to heal to play this upgrade even? Let alone the question about the push. I think the answer to both parts is yes which is a bummer. Makes this card pretty hard to use.

S: Yeah, at the time you play this card, you’ll need to be able to heal one of them otherwise you won’t be able to play it.



P: With magic, muscle, and a love that will never die (she just won't let it!) this warband is set to be a real treat. Their unique mechanics should lead to a creative experience that will make sure that plenty of games keep feeling fresh even after you get the hang of them. Super excited to see what you all think up for our paranormal paramours!

Week of Warhammer Underworlds
Zondara’s Gravebreakers… OUT NOW on a podcast platform near you. Popcorn & romance recommended. You bring the popcorn. Zonny & Fer will bring the romance.

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